How do I talk with a person at Alitalia?

Alitalia phone number

To talk to a person at Alitalia, you have several options. You can call their customer service hotline at 1-888-659-0878 (OTA) or 1-877-759-0689 (Live Person). These numbers are available 24/7 for customers in the USA, Canada, and Italy. If you are calling from Italy, you can also dial 800 936090. For customers calling from abroad, the number is +39 06 85960020. Please note that there may be charges associated with these calls, so it’s important to check with your phone service provider.

Alitalia also offers support via email at for special assistance services such as medical assistance, unaccompanied minors, and special baggage. If you are a Volare member, you can contact the dedicated customer service for assistance with your membership.

Key Takeaways:

  • Calling Alitalia’s customer service hotline is one option to talk to a person.
  • Hotline numbers are available 24/7 for customers in the USA, Canada, and Italy.
  • Charges may apply for phone calls.
  • Email support is available for special assistance services.
  • Volare members can contact a dedicated customer service for assistance.

Contacting Alitalia from Different Countries

If you are in a different country and need to contact Alitalia, you can find the appropriate phone number for your location. Alitalia provides customer service hotlines in multiple countries to assist travelers from around the world. By calling the designated Alitalia phone number for your country, you can conveniently connect with a representative who can address your inquiries, concerns, or for assistance with Alitalia flights, tickets, and other related matters.

Understanding the nature of international travel, Alitalia ensures that its customer service is accessible to individuals who may require assistance in various languages. You can communicate with Alitalia representatives in languages such as Italian, English, and local languages, depending on your location. This helps to facilitate effective communication and provide a seamless customer service experience.

When contacting Alitalia from a different country, it is important to note that the opening hours of the customer service hotline may vary depending on the country. To obtain the most up-to-date and accurate contact information, it is advisable to visit the official Alitalia website. There, you will find the specific phone numbers and hours of operation for your country, ensuring that you can reach a representative at a time that suits your needs.

Whether you are in Albania, Argentina, or any other country, Alitalia strives to provide excellent customer service and support. By having local phone numbers available, travelers can easily connect with the airline to address their concerns or make necessary arrangements for their flights.

Remember, Alitalia’s customer service hotline is just a phone call away, designed to assist you with any queries or issues you may have related to your Alitalia experience. Be sure to have your Alitalia tickets or booking details readily available when contacting the customer service team, as this will allow them to assist you more efficiently.

Contact Information for Select Countries:

Country Alitalia Phone Number
Albania +355 45300932
Argentina +54 1152527167


Contacting a live person at Alitalia is quick and hassle-free. Simply dial the customer service hotline at 1-888-659-0878 (OTA) or 1-877-759-0689 (Live Person) to speak with a representative who can assist you with various inquiries. Whether you need help with reservations, flight cancellations, changes and refunds, or flight status, the dedicated team is available 24/7 to provide prompt assistance.

For customers located outside of the United States, Alitalia offers an international phone number at +39 06 85960020. This ensures that you can reach out for support, no matter where you are in the world. Alternatively, if you prefer to communicate via email, you can send your inquiries to for any special assistance services such as medical assistance, unaccompanied minors, and special baggage.

Please keep in mind that charges may apply when calling the hotline, so it’s a good idea to check with your phone service provider beforehand. Whether you choose to call or email, Alitalia is committed to providing excellent customer service to ensure a smooth travel experience for all passengers. Reach out to them today and experience their exceptional support firsthand.


How can I reach a person at Alitalia?

To talk to a person at Alitalia, you can call their customer service hotline at 1-888-659-0878 (OTA) or 1-877-759-0689 (Live Person). These numbers are available 24/7 for customers in the USA, Canada, and Italy. If you are calling from Italy, you can also dial 800 936090. For customers calling from abroad, the number is +39 06 85960020.

Is there an email address for special assistance services?

Yes, you can contact Alitalia via email at for special assistance services such as medical assistance, unaccompanied minors, and special baggage.

How can I contact Alitalia from a different country?

If you are in a different country and need to contact Alitalia, you can find the appropriate phone number for your location on the official Alitalia website. The service is available in multiple languages including Italian, English, and local languages. The opening hours may vary depending on the country.

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